Bord Pleanala Refuses Permission For A Development In Centre Of KILCOOLE

Speaking with Wicklow Times, Cllr Tom Fortune says the decision by An Bord Pleanala to refuse permission for a development that would exit in the centre of Kilcoole is good news.

AS proposed it would destroy the village of Kilcoole . At a public meeting organised recently by myself and Cllr Grainne McLoughlin the community were outraged at what was been proposed due to the way it would impact the village .

Cllr Fortune says

The reasons behind the decision to refuse are 1. Sewage Capacity  2. protection of the Murrough infrastructure. 3. Building on land zoned for open space. 4. Non Compliance with the local area plan, we need to explore this more and discuss with WCC.

A key issue was the road to the rear of proposed development, that was part of a plan submitted a number of years ago BUT not included in this latest plan. This issue was also highlighted in a submission from the CEO of WCC to this current proposal. Also issues such as the general road infrastructure, parking, health and safety, design of development.

Cllr Fortune says

It would be planning madness to allow this project proceed without this road being built in advance.  Also there is a need for a proper town centre to be part of any development. There were a number of very serious concerns submitted in over 140 submissions from the community which appear to have been ignored by the Bord . This makes no sense to us and needs full review. Any further application must go through Wicklow Council for full review with the community.

Cllr Fortune says

This is a good decision , however there are still a lot of outstanding questions. As a community we will review the decision in the new year , liaise with WCC and examine what happens going forward.

Cllr Tom Fortune

Over the past few days a number of residents have been in touch with me in connection with the Rocks Valley. They find this incredulous as the site is protected in our County Development plan which clearly says it is not to be interfered with. They are asking how can the local authority act in this manner, are they not answerable to anyone. I have told them they are that the members of Wicklow County Council have clearly made the decision that the Rocks Valley is not to be interfered with.

I would have to ask at this point what is going on , why is WCC behaving in this manner. How can the local authority executive show such disdain / lack of of democracy to a community and to public representatives. I am asking that the local authority executive immediately stop their illegal action and also clear out of the part of the site they are using and which they turned into what can only be described as a dump and return  it to the state it should be in .

Speaking to the Wicklow Times Local councillor Tom Fortune said he is delighted to be supporting the ³ feet on the beat² initiative for Kilcoole and
supporting the committee of Charlotte Byrne- McDonald, Deirdre Moran, Paul Kelly, Sharon O¹Connor- Bradshaw, Margaret Frawley and Lisa Roche who have put
a lot of work into the campaign. The committee are delighted with the support they have received from the Gardai and hope the community will row in behind
the campaign and make Kilcoole crime free.

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